Universal Security, LLC

Academy in-person Training Appointments


In-Person Unarmed Guard Training Renewal



Regulated by the Department of Commerce and Insurance, Universal Security, LLC Academy Unarmed Guard Training will prepare you for an exciting career within the security industry. Whether you are pursuing a career as a static guard or wish to work your way to executive security specialist, everyone must begin somewhere. Universal Security, LLC Academy Unarmed Guard course far exceeds the state requirements and is specifically designed to prepare you for a wide range of roles within the security industry. The 4-hour curriculum is in-person and includes state-required certification test at the end. This training course will provide a solid foundation to build your career in security.

Unarmed security guard employees must be at least 18. They must be citizens or resident aliens and must meet character and fitness requirements set by the state. An applicant cannot be habitually drunk or dependent on narcotics and cannot have a disability that would preclude performing duties.

An applicant is not automatically denied because of past criminal conviction. However, if the conviction is a felony or potentially disqualifying misdemeanor, the individual must have completed his or her sentence or probation no less than five years earlier.

Disqualifying misdemeanors include the following:

  • Shooting of a weapon
  • Violence
  • Sale, manufacture, or distribution of illegal substances
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft of property or services

Training is mandatory. The training may be provided by the contract security company. A prospective student can also find approved trainers by doing a license search through the website of the licensing agency. At least one training hour will be devoted to each of the following concepts:

  • Orientation
  • Legal power and limitation of power
  • General duties
  • Emergency procedures

The student can expect testing. A state certified trainer will provide a certificate verifying completion of requirements. If the guard or officer will carry a device or weapon classified as “less than lethal”, he or she will need training in the specific device. The instructor must be certified to offer the particular training. Less than lethal weapons include stun guns and chemical spray, among others.

Unarmed employee may be authorized to work temporarily following submission of application and other required materials. Private Protective Services has provided a list of frequently asked questions (http://www.tn.gov/commerce/topic/prot-faqs).

NOTE: Unarmed registration is renewed every two years